sculpture and drawing

Small and large scale works for sale or commission, 
for interiors, gardens and public sites



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workshop projects 
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Over more than 25 years Janine has completed many workshop days as well as more involved term - long residencies in schools, country parks and heritage sites (click for cv).  Some have culminated in the installation of permanent sculpture for the grounds and others in performance with film, sculpture and dance. 
She has given PowerPoint talks on public art and 
she has run inset sessions for teachers on subjects like drawing skills and working with wire
She has been CRB cleared for each project and has public liability cover for 5 million for this type of work

Rates can vary but average at £200 per day or £30 per hour with materials and transport costs separately




Charcoal, putty rubbers and white pastel on grey paper

Sussex Dragons Inset workshop, wire and tissue pennants, drying.

Wire and tissue dragon

Recent workshops have been: 

October 2018 - Keynote speaker/workshop leader for Early Years Inset day in East Sussex using the theme of Sussex Dragons and exploring potential art sessions including using wire and tissue, charcoal and putty rubbers to explore narrative themes.

August 2017 - Tree dressing with wire, tissue and found plant matter to make sculptures, working with adults during Binsted Festival. 

Drop in carving sessions at Wild about Mid Sussex event in Burgess Hill in June (2017 and 2018) as part of Flow of Life Markers commission

Assembly talk and discussion with Sheddingdean and Manor field Primary school pupils and PowerPoint talk and discussion with the Green Circle Network Nature Reserve volunteers also as part of Burgess Hill Flow of Life Markers commission


4 week residency at Croydon High School

January 2015


For more images and information click here



Art Week project at St Andrews Primary, Cobham 

June/July 2012

For details of the project click here

Stoughton Infants' School, 
near Guildford

This was carried out during Art Week 
in July 2010.

Janine worked with all 9 classes including nursery through to year 2 (4 - 7 years).
The theme was African plants and animals and the final pieces make a long term display across three large assembly hall windows.  We started with drawing exercises in charcoal and pastel.  Then the youngest children made leaves and the older ones animals, birds and reptiles in wire and wet strength tissue.

film projects



2012, 2013, 2014  April and October

This year there will be an introductory carving course 2 Sundays in July


2 day taster carving courses offered to individuals in the Cowfold Studio at £70 per day

Carving in the Wild Woods
Carving course at Wilderness Wood, Hadlow Down, East Sussex 25th - 26th September 2010.  
Using the woods for inspiration and working under canvas amongst the trees, students learned about basic carving techniques and tools, through to stains and finishes - as well how to use a Kelly kettle and keep the wood fire going even in the rain!

Priory School Dorking

This project was completed with the help of pupils in October 2007.

It took 4 weeks

The result is a 2.5M high cement sculpture permanently sited at the front of the school.  The themes came from discussion with pupils about their school and include the cross, the vine, helping hands and structures by Antoni Gaudi.  

There are resin inserts with encapsulated wire symbols in them. A light shines up through the middle of the sculpture.

Steyning Grammar

A cross curricular project of 10 weeks involving film, dance, wire and tissue sculpture and costume which resulted in  a performance titled: Celtic Flow


Talks on Public Art

Janine has carried out PowerPoint talks with images of her public art work as a launch to larger projects, as focus for 6th form course study and part of public   conferences eg: on The year of the Artist and Creative Space projects 


Other Woodcarving

Janine has run woodcarving workshop days with youth workers, 6th form pupils at Woking High School and as open days in Country parks.


Drawing days in schools

Janine has run many short workshops (1-3 days) in schools on drawing skills like texturing, perspective, movement.

For Crawley Irish Festival Janine carried out workshops in secondary schools on the Book of Kells style.  After drawing, forms were made in wire to create a window display at Oriel High School and Hazelwick School

Crawley Irish Festival


© Janine Creaye.  All rights reserved