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email: janine.creaye@sculptureform.co.uk
Phone: 07966 439858
www.irisbishop.com Iris Bishop, textile artist, fellow exhibitor at Open Studios
www.edithart.co.uk Edith Pargh Barton, painter and textile artist in the Horsham area, exhibited in Janine's Summer Collection open studios 2016
www.angelabrittain.co.uk Angela Brittain, narrative painter and co-exhibitor in a number of shows including 2018 Horsham Art Trail
www.belindaferretter.com Belinda Ferretter bespoke metalwork. Exhibited in Janine's Summer Collection open studios 2016
www.bentley.org.uk Bentley Wildfowl and Motor Museum hosts the Bentley Wood Fair each year.
www.carvingstone.org - Recommended restoration stone carver and letter cutter Gary Churchman
www.jeanmargaretharvey.com Artist, poet, photographer Jean Harvey
www.godintonhouse.co.uk Gardens near Ashford in Kent shows sculpture for 4 weeks in summer
www.ashdowngallery.co.uk gallery in Forest Row, West Sussex
www.horshamartistsopenstudios.co.uk see details of this artist's open studios and the others involved in the event
www.artparks.co.uk website of outdoor sculpture for sale
www.sussexprairies.co.uk gardens open to the public showing sculpture in situ
www.sculptors.org.uk Royal Society of Sculptors website showing members work and projects
www.artistsandmakers.com website of West Sussex artists
www.gardendesign-uk.com - information on garden designers and garden sculptors